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Renasterea Nucului
Ave Juglans regia

Dedicated to His Majesty Walnut and his adepts

Variety of walnut Pesceanschii

The tree is of mid size with the round head of middle density. The angle between branches and stem is close to 90°, branches are rather rare. Rind of the tree stem and scaffold branches is slightly chinked. Branches are of mid size, straight, of brown colour. Leaves are oblong, dull, the leafstalk is of mid size with even edges. Blooms are of mid-size, pyxidate, pinkish.

The blossoming type is protogynous. Pistillate flowers blossom between 27th April and 12th May, giving the possibility to avoid the early-spring frosts. The breed is partially self-fertile, the best
pollenizer are Kazaku, Skinosky, Kogylnichanu, and Brichansky breeds. The fruits are of mid size, of round-oval shape without edges. The nutshell is thin, dense, slightly rough, and dull.

The kernel is cream-coloured, dense, well-filled up to 85%, easily separated, with the yield being over 69%. The nut meat is suitable for machined extraction, has an exclusively pleasant dessert taste and straw-yellow colour ensuring their good commercial appearance. The breed is universal, suitable both for processing and using in fresh condition. Harvesting time is between late September and early October.

The breed is drought- and temperature-resistant, winter-hardy, only apexes of the unripened sprouts slightly froze at – 30C. Periodicity of fructification is not explicit. Resistance to marsoniose is above the mean level.

