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Renasterea Nucului
Ave Juglans regia

Dedicated to His Majesty Walnut and his adepts

Variety of walnut Falesti

The mid size tree with spherical crown. The branches come off the stem at almost right angle. Rind of the tree stem and scaffold branches is slightly chinked. Branches are of mid size, straight, of brown colour. Leaves are elliptical, dull, of dark green colour, the leafstalk is of mid size, the leaf edge is even. Blooms are of mid-size, pyxidate, pinkish.

The blossoming type is protogynous. Pistillate flowers blossom within the extended period from 25th April to 10th May. Pollenizers are as follows: Kazaku, Yargarinsky, Peschansky, Kogylnichanu. The fruits are of mid size, of round shape without edges. The nutshell is thin, dense, and practically smooth. The kernel is cream-coloured, well-filled up to 85%, easy separable, with the yield exceeding 61%.

This breed shows high quality, good appearance, high productivity and no periodicity.

The breed is universal, fruits are suitable both for processing and as ready-to-use product. Harvesting time is between late September and early October. The breed is drought- and temperature-resistant, winter-hardy, there were no damages observed at – 30.5C. This might be slightly affected by marsonia. The damages caused by the plant pests have never been observed.

